Factors to consider when deciding to build a website

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  • Check if your business name is available as a domain for your website. Go to Name Silo, GoDaddy or one of the other sites to check on name availability and options. Then choose a domain name.
  • Select about eight or so keywords. Think local. These should be terms that people would use to search for your business; for example: Joey’s Tattoo Parlor, New Jersey Tattoo shops, tattoo shops in mew Jersey, etc.
  • Decide on the number of pages (minimum should be home, services, about, contact). Determine contact info (phone, email fax and/or address).
  • Develop a call to action (for example, call us today for a free consultation).Select authentic images (not stock ones), if possible. Studies have shown that people look at authentic pics. In fact, if you have an important message to communicate, put it by an image.
  • Say what you do in the very first sentence or as a headline or tagline.
  • Write content (including testimonials) placing the most important messages at the top.
  • Consider creating a presence on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and other social media sites. Your website will link to them and vice versa.
  • Call Coolwebdesigns2go and begin developing your website.
  • SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )
  • If you’ve ever wondered how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works , this is all you need to do in the beginning.

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